Sustainability Award

A message from Broadcast Ready’s CEO, Kerry Hopkins: “I’m thrilled to announce that I won the Sustainability Award at the Women’s Business Club Awards this week! 🌱 Thank you so much to each and everyone of you who voted for me, the judges, organisers and sponsors!

I educated myself watching hours of documentaries like MUST-WATCH “Earthlings” on YouTube with Joaquin Phoenix, then on Netflix and Prime Video & Amazon MGM Studios “Cowspiracy”, “What the Health”, “Forks Over Knives,” “Eating You Alive”, “Christspiracy,” “Hogwood the Horror Story” and “Pignorant”. I saw videos from activists and charities, I learned the horrors of animal agriculture on themselves and on the environment, and it awakened in my heart that I didn’t want to hurt any animals anymore.

🤔I remember thinking: “Why am I treating my dog like a princess, but pigs like shit?” I thought: “That’s not right. Poor pigs being born that species and used and abused as food. That is wrong and that is very discriminatory.”

So in July 2022 I introduced a company policy into my broadcast PR agency, Broadcast Ready

That policy is:
🌱That all the food and drink we buy has to be 100% plant based
🌱That all the stationary we buy is vegan (yes stationary often has chopped up body parts of pigs or cows)
🌱That all the loo roll we buy is vegan (yes, standard loo rolls found in supermarkets have innocent animals in them) (What The Crap and Bamboo rolls are vegan)
🌱That we reach out to, educate and inspire other organisations to incorporate plant based food into their menus. (More on that soon)
🌱We only buy plant milk of course, as buying milk from a mammal is actually theft because that mother cow didn’t want you to have it, it was for her baby calf (that was either killed if it’s a boy, or also put into slavery if it’s a girl)
🌱We do educational videos and posts
🌱We never pay for any client drinks or food that has any secretions or body parts from my beloved animal friends

🌱 We PR Hollywood films and documentaries about animal cruelty and veganism as the answer

🌱We advise clients not to post photos of animal-based food on social media, as it will turn off prospects and is not something to brag about to the those who are more educated in having seen what I have. 

Humans can survive and THRIVE on a plant based diet, especially a whole food plant based one, but I still do eat vegan junk food a little too much without compensating enough with weight training!

🤔 Imagine all the energy from heating, transportation, food that is used by breeding and killing 78 billion animals a year in the animal agriculture industry

🚜 If we all went vegan today, the upshot is that given 75% of the crops in the world feed the animals we eat, that if we just grew the crops to feed the 8 billion humans, the climate crisis would come to a screeching walk from the sprint it’s on now

🫁 The lungs of the world, the Amazon forest, is being burned and cut down, killing animals there, just to make way for cows to graze there. It’s bonkers! Let’s leave cows alone hey

😋 I much prefer my plant based food anyway, it cured ALL my illnesses in 6 weeks. It”s so tasty and delicious because you experiment more with herbs and new tastes.”