Find out how we helped a £19 billion Assets Under Management stockbroking and investment firm in the UK succeed with their PR and Marketing Campaign

Broadcast Ready won a 14-month contract to work with a £19 Billion Assets Under Management stockbroking and direct retail investment firm in the UK, securing 2-8 times per month TV and Radio appearances for their Chief Investment Officer. This type of broadcast PR was a major component of the brand’s marketing and PR campaign.

During the final nine-month period, the firm started with £200 million Assets Under Administration and went up to having £1 Billion Assets Under Management, that’s $1.4 Billion AUM in USD. They sold their business for more than they would have been able to, had they tried to sell before Broadcast Ready’s broadcast PR efforts.

Although it meant the existing brand name would become defunct, there were financial benefits to the company to continue with their PR drive, which included social media outreach. It allowed them to increase revenue and attract new customers, which consequently made it more attractive to buyers.

Over 14 months, Broadcast Ready was able to book 103 TV and radio interview opportunities for their spokeswoman. The Contract with Broadcast Ready only ended because the firm was acquired by another company in June 2017, and so their broadcast spokesperson moved on to a new role.

Contact Us today to see how we can help you. Watch the fuller more in-depth and detailed interview with Chief Investment Officer Michelle McGrade below. Or watch the 3 minute snappier version above.